Friday, July 27, 2012

We did it!

So from Tuesday night until now...yesterday Paisley was given the hearing test and passed with flying colors, they lowered her bed to the last stage of a big girl bed, took her foam piece away from her legs so she could be completely free...and they did the oxygen room test and she passed and is OFF OXYGEN FOR NOW...we are so proud.  As far as the feedings though...she did her 24 hours now we have to get through another 24 hours and see what happens.  Paisley took a full bottle at 8am and 2pm and 60% at 5pm and 55% at this point i was thinking oh no...she is going down hill.  And from 8pm to 8am she just has to take 2 more full feedings then we can talk about moving forward and her first feeding of this shift was not looking good so then I was like she only has 3 more feedings to do 2 full feedings...and my heart sunk but I knew it wouldn't be the end and Paisley may just be tired from breathing on her own so it may take a few more days and I have to accept that.  But then I got up at 230am to pump and called after I put my milk in the freezer...PAISLEY MAKAE DID 11pm she took 60 of her 61ml...and at 2am she took 65 of her 61ml and even woke up about 40 mins. before this feeding and the nurse just gave it to her to see how she would do....she is getting so strong and we have our "room in" scheduled for Saturday night and then she will have her car seat test which will only take 30 mins. either Sunday or Monday and then depending on what they say in rounds today about her picking her own times and amounts we will be coming home VERY SOON...and i couldn't be more excited!

                           I love my little girl...   Rachel is another primary...such a sweet nurse

She DOES NOT look like a preemie anymore...all 7lbs. and 3 ounces plus over 19 inches long

One of our Primaries Amanda...great nurse and helps Paisley work hard

Nana and Aunt Julia came to see Paisley...Aunt Julia sang to her

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