Monday, August 20, 2012

catch up #1

So I use this more for our journal...but I must catch up thats for sure!  I am going all the way back to the weekend of the 29th of July...not only Paisley's 1 month birthday but a very VERY special day for our family.  She did the 48 hours of feedings on her own so they made the decision to go ahead and let her be on her own schedule she just had to eat 220 ml. in a 24 hour period for 2 days.  I had planned to room in the 28th which means you sleep over night and they let your baby be in your room with you.  Adey's cousins birthday party was this day so I had her Nana come get her for that and had her stay the night so I could stay the night with Paisley (I knew very soon I wouldn't have to be away from my baby girl much longer but I had to do this for Paisley...I am sure Adey will understand when she is older).  When I arrived at the NBICU during the day of the 28th they told me they did her car seat test this morning (they have to sit in their car seat for at least 30 mins up to 2 hours at a time...just depends on how far you live from the hospital...we live only 20 mins. so they did it for 30 but went up to 40 mins. and told us her oxygen started dropping at that point...we passed but they recommended no long trips for a while.  but who cares...OUR BABY PASSED).  They also told me they heard I was planning on rooming in...but the plan was to send Paisley home in the morning so if I didn't want to I didn't have to...they said I could get one more decent nights sleep...REALLY?!  I was so overwhelmed with JOY knowing our baby girl was finally ours...OUR BABY IS COMING HOME!  I still roomed in...since Josh had been working tons of long hours and had more coming this week I told him to go home and get a good nights rest.  When it was shift change I hopped on trax and headed to City Creek Mall to look for cute coming home outfits for the girls.  I was unprepared and didn't think this day would finally come true!  I found some cute stuff and a few good deals.  I spent a few hours by myself with no Adey, no Josh, no Oskar, no Paisley...don't know how often this will happen but I had lots of time to reflect and think how grateful I am that our little girl made healthy...and coming home!  Once I got back to the hospital I got ready for bed and then went to get Paisley.  They wheeled her in my room with all her attachments (oxygen reader and heart monitor).  Once we got situated I was so excited that I didn't sleep much.  It was just amazing to have a night with Paisley with no nurses or anything...I mean they checked on her when she was hungry but thats it...AMAZING!  I woke up the next morning on my own (even slept through shift change...I expected to be kicked out) ready and had them come get Paisley while I went and got breakfast.  When I came back I met with the head nurse who said they were just waiting on the attending doctor to sign the paper work and give the final ok for Paisley to go most hospitals this took forever but we did go home on July 29...4 weeks and 2 days after she was born and on her first month birthday.  We were so happy to finally get to have our baby girl come home and be ours on our own!  She left the hospital at 18 inches long and 7.3 pounds (up a whole 2 pounds from birth and almost 2 inches all in a month...super crazy and she is looking bigger and bigger each day).  Josh's mom and Julia brought Adey back up and Adey helped me give Paisley a bath and spent way more then her 15 min. allowed time with me and Paisley.  It was so great to have both girls together.  Josh had to work so Josh's mom took us home and stayed a little bit and then left and there I was in my very own home with the 2 most beautiful, amazing little girls I could have ever been blessed with!  I love them so much...THEY ARE MY WORLD!

this is the last pic I took of Paisley in the NBICU....this is her 5th Primary nurse, Stephanie.  She really helped ease our frustrations and was well knowledged and Paisley really liked her.

I am sad I didn't take any pictures of the day we left...I was with out Josh and so relieved at how quickly Paisley improved in a short time.  Once she took off it was like a rocket and I am so proud of her.  I have the memories of the day we left but wish I had pictures to go with it.  Oh well..our baby is healthy and home and that is all that matters.  Now on to making memories!

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