This is from Tuesday July 24....Paisley's feedings lately: 8am 54/59, 11am was tubed, 2pm nursed 28 and bottled 25 which is a total of 53/59, 5pm 41/59, 8pm 64/59....she did amazing yesterday before I left around 1030pm from the hospital. I can't wait to call and see how the rest of the night and morning is going so far. She is getting so close and is starting to take off and I just can't wait. it SHOULD be within the next week and Paisley will be home...hoping she continues to go up and not down. She was weighed last night coming it at a little shy of 7lbs. 2 ounces...she is getting so big and will be 4 weeks old tomorrow. I still can't believe most days the baby I birthed still isn't home. I am glad she has gotten stronger and couldn't imagine her being at home that young and I am grateful for modern medicine and the guidance they have to take care of our Paisley...but when can she come home? We have learned so much through this process and hope no one we know has to go through with this and we have a TON more empathy of situations where babies are in the NBICU...
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