Friday, July 27, 2012

We did it!

So from Tuesday night until now...yesterday Paisley was given the hearing test and passed with flying colors, they lowered her bed to the last stage of a big girl bed, took her foam piece away from her legs so she could be completely free...and they did the oxygen room test and she passed and is OFF OXYGEN FOR NOW...we are so proud.  As far as the feedings though...she did her 24 hours now we have to get through another 24 hours and see what happens.  Paisley took a full bottle at 8am and 2pm and 60% at 5pm and 55% at this point i was thinking oh no...she is going down hill.  And from 8pm to 8am she just has to take 2 more full feedings then we can talk about moving forward and her first feeding of this shift was not looking good so then I was like she only has 3 more feedings to do 2 full feedings...and my heart sunk but I knew it wouldn't be the end and Paisley may just be tired from breathing on her own so it may take a few more days and I have to accept that.  But then I got up at 230am to pump and called after I put my milk in the freezer...PAISLEY MAKAE DID 11pm she took 60 of her 61ml...and at 2am she took 65 of her 61ml and even woke up about 40 mins. before this feeding and the nurse just gave it to her to see how she would do....she is getting so strong and we have our "room in" scheduled for Saturday night and then she will have her car seat test which will only take 30 mins. either Sunday or Monday and then depending on what they say in rounds today about her picking her own times and amounts we will be coming home VERY SOON...and i couldn't be more excited!

                           I love my little girl...   Rachel is another primary...such a sweet nurse

She DOES NOT look like a preemie anymore...all 7lbs. and 3 ounces plus over 19 inches long

One of our Primaries Amanda...great nurse and helps Paisley work hard

Nana and Aunt Julia came to see Paisley...Aunt Julia sang to her

Amazingly Awesome!

This is from Tuesday July 24....Paisley's feedings lately: 8am 54/59, 11am was tubed, 2pm nursed 28 and bottled 25 which is a total of 53/59, 5pm 41/59, 8pm 64/59....she did amazing yesterday before I left around 1030pm from the hospital.  I can't wait to call and see how the rest of the night and morning is going so far.  She is getting so close and is starting to take off and I just can't wait.  it SHOULD be within the next week and Paisley will be home...hoping she continues to go up and not down.  She was weighed last night coming it at a little shy of 7lbs. 2 ounces...she is getting so big and will be 4 weeks old tomorrow.  I still can't believe most days the baby I birthed still isn't home.  I am glad she has gotten stronger and couldn't imagine her being at home that young and I am grateful for modern medicine and the guidance they have to take care of our Paisley...but when can she come home?  We have learned so much through this process and hope no one we know has to go through with this and we have a TON more empathy of situations where babies are in the NBICU...

Adey's birthday...

Our little perfect princess turned 3 this year...yes 3.  where has the time gone?  She is turning into such a beautiful little girl full of light and personality and intelligence.  What parents couldn't be more proud?!  She loves to learn and animals and she is very caring and considerate of others....she too though is sensitive and loving.  We are always getting kiss and giving her kisses.  She loves to dance and help cook and take care of Oskar.  She has a few chores now which include feeding Oskar, helping us take Oskar outside, unloading silverware from the dishwasher, putting away her folded laundry, picking up her toys, scraping the food off her plate and putting her dishes in the sink, she loves wiping down our sliding glass window and scrubbing the toilets with the brush.  She brushes her own teeth and does so well going to the bathroom.  She always washes her hands before and after meals and bathroom use.  She is always asking about Paisley...which we all can't wait for her to come home.  She is pretty much done with the paci (i know we let her have it way too long but due to circumstances the past few months when did we have time to work on it).  Speaking of the past few months...Adey now always wants to play day she pulled octopus out of the monkey's stomachs.  She loves reading books and going swimming (which she is learning quite fast how to do on her own).  She loves to play barbies, littlest pet shops, in her doll house, babies (which josh and I always have to have one too) and with her my little ponies.  She loves to go for walks.  She wants to do dance another year.  She has been teaching herself how to do a is quite cute!  She still loves to blow bubbles and is working on jumping rope.  She loves to play hide and go seek.  I have put together a preschool curriculum to work with her own this next year...can't wait to watch her little mind grow!  but all in all....our Adelynn Paige is growing up a little too fast and we wish we could freeze time so it would slow down...this stage of her life has been so much for us!

our beautiful, perfect, talented, adorable, amazing three year old!  We love you so much Adelynn Paige

Thursday, July 26, 2012

I am trying...

I am trying so hard to eat and am up to 3 feedings a shift because I wake up and want to try taking a bottle.  I don't always take 75% but I am trying.  I got to go off my oxygen because I was doing so well and lasted almost 16 hours before they put me back on.  I am up to 6lbs. 15 ounces...I know I am starting to fill out.  They have reduced my supplement to 22 instead of 24 because I am gaining weight just fine.  I do intend to go home soon...but I am not quite ready yet.  This is all as of Monday July 23, 2012

How is Miss P doing?!

This is from Sunday 7-22-12....She is doing better and better on her feedings.  Still not all on her own but she is for sure giving it her all.  On Sunday she weighed 6.13 pounds...yes we know she is getting quite big and we wish more then anything she would slow down so we could enjoy it with her at our home!  She was drinking about 57 ml. but not on her own.  Here are a few pics from her most recent visitors and another one of her primary's:

2nd bath...her first bath the camera battery was a sad day!

snuggles from her Aunt Malinda (Mol)

Uncle Evan loved her hair...she had her eyes opened so much while he was visiting

Malinda was on bedrest so Evan was running up the hill with her in a wheel chair

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Adey's 3rd Birthday Questions

1. Favorite color...Pink
2. Favorite toy...barbies and my little ponies and littlest pet shops
3. Favorite TV little pony and care bears count down with me
4. Favorite fruit...blueberries
5. Favorite lunch food...chicken nuggets
6. Favorite outfit...any dress
7. Favorite game...Ariel puzzle
8. Favorite snack...popcorn
9. Favorite
10. Favorite song...monkey's jumping on the bed
11. Favorite book...1001 fairy find
12. Best friend...McKenzie (mommy's work)
13. Favorite cereal...cheerios
14. Favorite thing to do outside...find fire bugs and go swimming
15. Favorite drink...Apple juice
16. Favorite holiday...Christmas (the Grinch stole our tree....she always says)
17. Sleep with in bed...blankie
18. Favorite breakfast...waffles
19. Want for birthday dinner...coco
20. Want to be when you grow up...mommy
21. Favorite movie...Fox and the Hound and 101 Dalmations
22. shower or bath...shower

Friday, July 20, 2012

P's firsts...

Paisley lost a little weight last night...a little shy under from 6.8 lbs.  BUT tonight she went up to 6.10 lbs...way to go sis!  On the other our little Miss P had some firsts today:

First time in a baby swing...she seemed to really like it which I am glad because this is the same swing we have at home for her and we need to get some use out of it since Adey didn't use it very much and it is like brand new.  She has been sassy today but mainly due to gas and getting it all out.  she is working hard at it!

And she lost her umbilical cord today.  The nurse asked me if I wanted to keep it and I was thanks.  But at least she asked and saved it for me in case I did want....thank you nurse.

It might be hard to see...but she took her first FULL bottle and I couldn't be more proud.  Plus (its not written on here) but she took 3 bottles in a row today and did pretty well: 32 ml, 51 ml, and the third was 33 ml.  Then we let her have a break at her 5 pm feeding and then at 8 pm I nursed her and she took 22 ml and then I tried a bottle to finish the feeding and she took 21 ml for a grand total of 43 ml.  So in addition to the 3 bottles in a row...she also took TWO feedings at more then 75%...HAPPY DANCE FOR THIS MOMMA AND PAPA!

Sweat P

No new news....but isn't she cute?!  and NOW a whopping 6.8 pounds...guess no more preemie clothes but we will be in 0-3 months for a while

makin' pizza with DADDY

Adelynn loves to is one of her FAVORITE things to do with her daddy.  This night they made pizza for me...and it was so YUMMY!

Adey playing with friends

Adey finally got some time with her has been crazy lately so do you honestly blame me?  Anyway...she has been having the time of her life!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

quick Paisley update

So she is currently 6lbs and 3 ounces and almost 19 inches long...all in 3 weeks of her life.  She is growing so fast and is no longer in preemie diapers but now newborns.  She doesn't look like a preemie anymore but a newborn and can stay awake a little longer (only when she wants to).  She is eating about 70% of most her 4 feedings right now...she is so close to being bumped to 6 feedings but not quite yet.  They have her eating 54 ml. and she tops off btwn 36 and 39 ml.  I am just waiting for the day for her to take off...seriously our baby will be 3 weeks old tomorrow and she still isn't home (36 weeks and 5 days in the womb...)  She is doing a great job with her breathing which is down to 24% on oxygen.  Her jaundice is gone for the most part which makes me happy and she is turning in to this little girl full of life (aka. sassy and on her time).  We love her more and more each day we get to spend with her.  Adey is always asking about her and when is she coming home...SOON!

Paisley getting assessed by one of our favorite primary nurses Carrie

she is getting so BIG!  I know this one is blurry but its cute!

Nonni before she goes home

We are grateful for how long my mom was able to stay and her help with Adey but of course to all good things must come to an end and Nonni had to head back home to Grampy and her job.  We will miss her and hope she got enough Paisley snuggle time and Adey littlest pet shop/my little pony time.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Project for Paisley

Adey wanted to color and paint and make something for her sissy and this is what we came up with to decorate Paisley's crib in the NICU:

Adey's first pedicure

For Adey's 3rd of her presents from her Nonni was to get her toes painted at a salon.  At first Adey was nervous but the finish product was quite cute:

Paisleys first bath

So....I have been wondering when I could give Paisley a bath with her being in the NICU.  I asked her nurse one night and they were like lets do it tonight.  I got a few pics of before her bath but then the camera was a sad day for the camera battery and my scrapbooking.  HOWEVER...I will not forget how much Paisley loved it.  They do swaddle baths which help keep the babies calm and Paisley just looked around and was so calm.  I promised myself next bath (Tuesday) I will make sure my camera is charged!  For now....look at this cute little babe before her first bath given by mama (7/13/12....she was 12 days old...I am sure the nurses gave her a bath before me but this my special moment)


One afternoon when we got home from the hospital and eating at the Blue Plate Diner (which was super yummy by the way...we don't care too much for chain restaurants and like trying new places...this one is on our must come to again before we move out of Utah).  Anyway the sprinklers were on in our apartment complex and I was just gonna change Adey into her bedtime clothes anyway...but she asked "mom can I go play in the sprinkles (her word for sprinklers)" and I was like sure...she had so much fun until she tripped on the sidewalk and scuffed her knee but kids will be kids:

shaking the water out of her hair....being a kid is so much fun!