So Josh had to work this past Thursday night. Adey helped me make dinner and we had a picnic on our deck which is one of our favorite things to do in the evening during the warmer months...(Oskar of course tried to eat our food so many times what a stinker)
She loves noodles, salad, ham (not on a sandwich) and just about any kind of fruit. We are so glad she is such a good, healthy eater and we are working hard on making most of our food at home (like bread, jams, sauces, salsa, and so much more) and not processed food or foods with artificial sweeteners or high fructose corn syrup and buying as much fresh food...our grocery bill has really cut down and we feel healthier with this life style change!
Anyway back to our eventful Thursday...well as I stood up to get us a drink...I had a really big gush (at this point with the history of this pregnancy I just think I am leaking) but I called the hospital and they had me come in since the day before, Wednesday, I tested positive for Assay of Fetal Fibronectin (, which is just a fancy word for preterm labor is possible. So my in laws came up to help since Josh was unable to find someone to cover the rest of his shift and for someone to be their for Adey in case I got admitted. On the way I had another big gush (not fun). After I got checked in to OB emergency services and met with the Midwife that was working that night I found out my water is broken. I am thinking I am only 31 weeks and 4 days at this point...not a good sign. I mean Josh and I knew she was going to be coming early with my low fluids issue ( but wow...what a slap in the face. So they admitted me and moved me to Labor and Delivery. I was hooked up to monitors and turns out I was not dilated but having contractions so they watched me and started me right away on another round of lung steriods (which really stings just for the record...but at least her lungs at this point will hopefully be looking great) for Paisley which was only given a second time because the last set was given almost 4 weeks ago and they started me antibiotics through IV's that will last about 3 days followed by a week of antibiotic pills which will help prevent any kind of infections (obviously). My doctor (Dr. Sok...which isn't my primary I have been seeing at the clinic but have been seeing at the hospital every time I have been admitted which this is #3 for me) came in to talk to me (and I just love her) and let me know that they can keep her in for about another 2 weeks, which will put me at 34 weeks, but then they have to take her...but since I started labor on my own they are letting me try for a VBAC ( which I am so excited about. They will give me a low doss of pictocin if she stays in to help me continue to progress my labor...but we shall see what happens. Good thing happened: Nothing really happened through the night until 6 am when I had another big gush. I had an ultrasound around 730 where we learned that Paisley is measuring about. 4.7 pounds (give or take 11 ounces so really btwn. 3.12 and 5.1...we are thinking she is big but they said she is average...since she was also measuring a week ahead at 32 weeks 6 days and her head was measuring at 33 weeks 4 days...I guess we produce big head When my specialist (Dr. Burnes) came in to review my ultrasound she was all surprised to see me admitted but was even more surprised to see my water broke yet my fluids went up from 4.9 on Wednesday when I had it done at the clinic to 5.4 on Friday...she laughed at me and said I am a mystery that my water can break and my fluids go up...I really like her too...I have been seeing her since about 20 weeks for low fluids. They said she was developing just fine and she looks great on the monitors. I was still closed at this point so not dilated. So I went back to my Labor and Delivery room and contractions continued through the morning measuring abt. 3 to 4 minutes apart. My doctor came to check me around 11 and I was dilated to a 1.5 so they kept me in labor and delivery and on the monitors. My great friend Stephanie (Louise) Farrell came to visit me for a little bit (she is great...thanks by the way) and then when she left my doctor came back and said my contractions had for the most part stopped being regular but I was still having them. She checked me again and said I was almost a 2 so they decided to move me over to OB special care to monitored close through the night. I slept great...still having contractions off and on but not strong nor consistent. So I am here in the hospital until she is born and through my recovery afterwards. She will spend some time in the NICU but we are very pleased with how well it is ran and all the perks they do for the families of preterm babies. We are sad she is coming early but we know she will be healthy and we have had scares since 26 weeks with low fluids and 20 weeks with kidneys that looked bright and an empty stomach and low it has been quite a roller coaster but at this point she has lasted 12 more weeks from our first scare and is continuing to look healthy and doing so well! We are so excited to have her join and complete our perfect family...we will be known as Josh and the girls plus Oskar (our dog...we plan to get a second dog so Oskar can have a companion and a fish tank once we are hopefully settled done after Josh graduates and we are in the career life and the college chapter is closed...when or where lies in the very near future and we are so excited to see where it takes us...I know I talk about the next chapter a lot but I am just so ready to move on and anxious about our future)
I took this Wednesday morning...31 weeks and 3 days...all baby and so far only 15 pounds gained
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