Wednesday, June 27, 2012

what a GREAT friend!

so one of my old college friends, Kamie, whom I have not seen in forever....sent me these today and it made my day!

I can't wait to catch up with her in the fall when she comes back up to Salt Lake for her job...until then thank you so much Kamie!  You are such a sweet heart!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

A tid bit of today

Josh took his princess Adey on a daddy/daughter date today...they went and saw the early show of Brave and got popcorn.  There were a few parts that scared her like the part with the bears and she sat snuggled in daddy's lap.  Overall....they had a good time!

When they came to visit me in the hospital Adey wanted me to paint her nails and toes...she did the foot on the left (can you tell),  About an hour after they were painted Adey was picking it off of her fingers...silly girl

She wanted to take her pretty dress off so she wouldn't get nail polish on it...such a girly girl.  wonder what miss Paisley will be like?!

She also brought crayons and this cute little coloring page set of the disney princesses' and we colored for a little bit.

we also played my little ponies, snuggled and went on a walk and spent some time outside.  I love my husband so much for bringing her up to spend another 3+ hours with me today.  I know being in the hospital isn't much fun...but we have grown so much closer through this experience and we just can't wait to have Paisley here to love on her and show her what special family she is a part of!

Friday, June 22, 2012

One thing I MISS so much

where's Adey...

there she is...

Tonight Josh, Adey, and my mom came to visit...they brought pizza and salad...and surprised me with some chocolates!  They stayed for over 3 hours and it made me so happy to spend time with them...especially Adey.  I got to snuggle with her, pillow fight with her, color with her, look out the window at the smoke from the big Utah fire going on right now (its over the mountain by Saratoga Springs and Eagle Mountain and over 4,000 acres right now and smoke is just filling the air), and we played "check out".  I can't wait to get my hands on her at home again but good news...Paisley is still cooking so that means hopefully less time in the NICU if anytime at all.  Just all depends on how she does once she is born....keeping my fingers crossed.  Its late tonight so I am gonna go ahead and say I am 32 weeks and 6 days...only 7 days until I get induced if Paisley continues to stay in.  I have contractions still daily but not enough to put me into active labor.  I also have developed a yeast infection on my tongue from all the antibiotics (2 different kinds and I was on IV/liquid for 3 days and pills for 3 days) which I am glad ended on Thursday.  I am trying to find things to keep me busy and enjoy this last week of pregnancy since it is my last!  I don't think I am gonna miss being pregnant ever again...I thought I would because with Adey it was so easy but with this one it has been way more difficult.  Josh and I are both so excited to have our 2 little girls and what is in store with them.  I hope they are the best of friends!  PS...I got a package today with lots of goodies and Adey already stole Paisley's new toys...let it all begin!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

the hard times yet why I FEEL SO LOVED!

Being a preterm ruptured membrane patient (water broke earlier then normal), I do not wish for anyone to have to go through with this because you are stuck in the hospital, being poked so many times, dealing with some crazy nurses like this one named Jill, having many tests done, enduring pain, and taking so many medications while being on bed rest!  I may be a wimp...but trust me its ruff however I am SO excited to meet Miss Paisley Makae and love on her that in the end it makes it all worth it.  The ruff times are like when I  hear Adey is having a hard time and I am not their for her or not getting to spend all day every day with her or I ache when she says "I want to stay with you in the hospital mommy" or "mommy come home and snuggle with me"...I mean just melts my heart!  I miss playing pet shops or barbies with her, I miss snuggles with her at night, I miss watching My Little Pony with her, I miss her helping me cook in the kitchen, I miss painting our toes, I miss going swimming with her, I miss reading books together..I owe her a VERY special mommy/daughter date when I am released and Paisley is here and doing well.  I watch my husband go to work, sleep on an uncomfy couch by my side, take me on wheel chair rides, spend time with our daughter, constantly be driving everywhere, eating hospital food so he doesn't have to leave me...he is an amazing man.  I love him so much and I look at our current situation and am so grateful he is in my life!  He is such a big help and I know in within the next year when EVERYTHING has calmed down from hospital/Paisley's birth to school/graduation to moving/career to whatever else is thrown our way...I will find a special way to show my gratitude.  As for Oskar...I sure miss his snuggles, giving me kisses, petting his soft fur, keeping me warm at night, and his love/companionship.  So being in the hospital (for the third time with this pregnancy since 26 weeks and was admitted at 31 weeks and 4 days) has overall not been easy for any of us.  But what has helped me is thinking of things that I DO appreciate.  For example: I do appreciate those that have to visit me or called me or sent me sweet texts at the right time, I do appreciate Doctor Sok for her encouraging words and dedication to be there for Paisley's arrival, I do appreciate the packages from friends with sweet presents for Paisley, I do appreciate my three favorite nurses who both happen to work at night time Allie, Nona, and Nette (they are wonderful...both are so talkative and sweet and gentle and let me sleep at night or go a little longer before waking me for vitals), I do appreciate modern medicine and what they have done to help make sure Paisley will be strong and ready when she makes her grand entrance, I do appreciate the weekend cafeteria person for bringing me WHATEVER I wanted, and lastly I do appreciate family that have been helping us get through this tuff time...especially my dad for booking my mom's ticket and then having to change it at last minute and paying the difference just so my mom could be here with me and for her son in law and granddaughter!

a few of the physical things that have made me smile are the giraffe flowers are from Adey and the orchids are from the Hastons (Josh's sisters' family) These both sure helped make my day yesterday.  Then today my mom got me some new slippers and the 2nd hunger games book...I sure am taken care of!

Breakfast anyone?

So this morning before Adey came to visit me in the hospital she helped her daddy make pancakes for Nonni and themselves.  Adey loves to help cook and will ask to do just about every task...this passion she gets from her daddy (I love to cook too but Josh is much better then me but I am working on day him and I will have a cook off).  Anyway...well this is what Adey did:

Oskar got one of HER bowls, a spoon, and dog food...
He has to eat too right?!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

What an EVENTFUL Thursday

So Josh had to work this past Thursday night.  Adey helped me make dinner and we had a picnic on our deck which is one of our favorite things to do in the evening during the warmer months...(Oskar of course tried to eat our food so many times what a stinker)

She loves noodles, salad, ham (not on a sandwich) and just about any kind of fruit.  We are so glad she is such a good, healthy eater and we are working hard on making most of our food at home (like bread, jams, sauces, salsa, and so much more) and not processed food or foods with artificial sweeteners or high fructose corn syrup and buying as much fresh food...our grocery bill has really cut down and we feel healthier with this life style change!

Anyway back to our eventful Thursday...well as I stood up to get us a drink...I had a really big gush (at this point with the history of this pregnancy I just think I am leaking) but I called the hospital and they had me come in since the day before, Wednesday, I tested positive for Assay of Fetal Fibronectin (, which is just a fancy word for preterm labor is possible.  So my in laws came up to help since Josh was unable to find someone to cover the rest of his shift and for someone to be their for Adey in case I got admitted.  On the way I had another big gush (not fun).  After I got checked in to OB emergency services and met with the Midwife that was working that night I found out my water is broken.  I am thinking I am only 31 weeks and 4 days at this point...not a good sign.  I mean Josh and I knew she was going to be coming early with my low fluids issue ( but wow...what a slap in the face.  So they admitted me and moved me to Labor and Delivery.  I was hooked up to monitors and turns out I was not dilated but having contractions so they watched me and started me right away on another round of lung steriods (which really stings just for the record...but at least her lungs at this point will hopefully be looking great) for Paisley which was only given a second time because the last set was given almost 4 weeks ago and they started me antibiotics through IV's that will last about 3 days followed by a week of antibiotic pills which will help prevent any kind of infections (obviously).  My doctor (Dr. Sok...which isn't my primary I have been seeing at the clinic but have been seeing at the hospital every time I have been admitted which this is #3 for me) came in to talk to me (and I just love her) and let me know that they can keep her in for about another 2 weeks, which will put me at 34 weeks, but then they have to take her...but since I started labor on my own they are letting me try for a VBAC ( which I am so excited about.  They will give me a low doss of pictocin if she stays in to help me continue to progress my labor...but we shall see what happens.  Good thing happened: Nothing really happened through the night until 6 am when I had another big gush.  I had an ultrasound around 730 where we learned that Paisley is measuring about. 4.7 pounds (give or take 11 ounces so really btwn. 3.12 and 5.1...we are thinking she is big but they said she is average...since she was also measuring a week ahead at 32 weeks 6 days and her head was measuring at 33 weeks 4 days...I guess we produce big head  When my specialist (Dr. Burnes) came in to review my ultrasound she was all surprised to see me admitted but was even more surprised to see my water broke yet my fluids went up from 4.9 on Wednesday when I had it done at the clinic to 5.4 on Friday...she laughed at me and said I am a mystery that my water can break and my fluids go up...I really like her too...I have been seeing her since about 20 weeks for low fluids.  They said she was developing just fine and she looks great on the monitors.  I was still closed at this point so not dilated.  So I went back to my Labor and Delivery room and contractions continued through the morning measuring abt. 3 to 4 minutes apart.  My doctor came to check me around 11 and I was dilated to a 1.5 so they kept me in labor and delivery and on the monitors.  My great friend Stephanie (Louise) Farrell came to visit me for a little bit (she is great...thanks by the way) and then when she left my doctor came back and said my contractions had for the most part stopped being regular but I was still having them.  She checked me again and said I was almost a 2 so they decided to move me over to OB special care to monitored close through the night.  I slept great...still having contractions off and on but not strong nor consistent.  So I am here in the hospital until she is born and through my recovery afterwards.  She will spend some time in the NICU but we are very pleased with how well it is ran and all the perks they do for the families of preterm babies.  We are sad she is coming early but we know she will be healthy and we have had scares since 26 weeks with low fluids and 20 weeks with kidneys that looked bright and an empty stomach and low it has been quite a roller coaster but at this point she has lasted 12 more weeks from our first scare and is continuing to look healthy and doing so well!  We are so excited to have her join and complete our perfect family...we will be known as Josh and the girls plus Oskar (our dog...we plan to get a second dog so Oskar can have a companion and a fish tank once we are hopefully settled done after Josh graduates and we are in the career life and the college chapter is closed...when or where lies in the very near future and we are so excited to see where it takes us...I know I talk about the next chapter a lot but I am just so ready to move on and anxious about our future)

I took this Wednesday morning...31 weeks and 3 days...all baby and so far only 15 pounds gained

Monday, June 11, 2012

my LIL fish

Adey just loves the water and could spend ALL day and EVERY day in the water.  She must take after me...i love sun and swimming!  But the weather warmed up a little bit from our cold front and of course we headed to the pool to soak up some rays.  She is learning so quick how to swim...we are SO glad we bought that life vest this year.  She is working on floating on her back and swimming on her back and doggy paddling.  One of these days when Josh is with me I will take a video.  But for us who needs swim lessons when Adey has Josh and I to teach her because she sure is learning quick!

before she got in

she was cold when she got out of the water

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Adey"s 1st Dance Recital

So on June 9, 2012...our little girl, Adelynn, had her first dance recital and she did so good!  She was not afraid at all and had so much fun.  We gave her some flowers at the end to let her know how proud of her we were and she was just ALL smiles!  We want to thank Nana, Papa, and Aunt Julia for staying to watch her performance (next year...meaning their Christmas recital, if Adey wants to do dance again in the fall, I will make a request that the younger kids should not dance at 745 at night because that is late and close to my daughters and the other girls bed time...the mom's didn't like this part of the recital) For Adey, the only issue we did have about the whole performance was she did want to where the pink shirt not yellow but to be honest only the yellow shirts stood out on the stage but at least she did get a pink flower to dance with.  They danced to "you are my sunshine".  Adelynn has been dancing since January 2012 and we are hoping this is something she will want to do for a long time...but we shall see!

waiting with Nana for her turn

doing the sunshine part of the song and waving all done

her class and her teacher

proud mama and daddy...we love you baby girl!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Jordanelle Lake

We went to Jordanelle Lake and it was quite an experience.  We camped but left around 3am because some people in the campsite next to us were up partying and be loud and Josh and I couldn't sleep...on the other hand Adey was sleeping like a log.  Other then that we had a good day time hanging out at the lake, having a picnic like food for lunch and yummy BBQ shishkabobs for dinner.  Adey loved the water and would have stayed all day in the sun.  She tried to fee a few ducks we found but they weren't too hungry...she was a little sad about that because while we were packing she asked if we could pack bread for the ducks so she was all prepared (maybe next time).  We did have to sit out twice for little sprinkle storms and some wind but for the most part we were glad to have our sunscreen because it was HOT!  Josh tried to take Adey fishing but there were way to many people around but he does want to take her on a daddy/daughter fishing trip some day because she had fun and kept telling us "the fish ate our food".  But here are a few pics from our fun:

feeding the ducks...she is holding her bread that she HAD to pack

playing at the park while waiting for the sprinkles to clear up

just love that smile!

this is her being a mermaid is what she said

getting the fishing pole ready

she was obsessed with filling this plastic baggie and dumping it out

making "cheese"