Lets see how to sum up what has happened between December and now? way too much so I will just list key points and work on posting pics when I can:
~experience our first Utah winter...Adey loves the snow...Oskar on the other hand is not a fan
~moved from Santaquin to Midvale to be closer to Josh's school and I was offered a better job
~I am a director of a daycare (but I mostly get paid to play with Adey all day so I feel like a stay at work mommy)
~my dad came to see us for a day and a half on his way to Nevada
~visited Washington state during Josh's spring break (Seattle Aquarium, Pike place market, saw some old friends, visited my old job that seems to not be doing so hott...and of course Leandra)
~while in Washington Josh visited his old school: SPSCC and went rock hounding with a few old friends
~Leandra drove back with us and visited for a few days (being sick :( but it was fun to have her)
~did some decorating
~JOSH GOT ACCEPTED TO THE U OF U FIELD SCHOOL (we are very proud of him)
Some of Adey's accomplishments:
~her first 2 word sentence: mommy's shoes
~loves taking care of her babies and chasing oskar around
~she has to pick out her clothes (with choices of course)
~still takes 2 hours naps every day
~favorite movies: all 3 toy stories and tangled
~loves to color and paint and playdough
~pulls her little doggy on a string around everywhere
~sit for a long time reading books
~painting her toes and daddy's
~deciding what she is going to eat (with choices)
~can say: mommy, dada, mama, nonni, grampy, nana, papa, ella, adey, puppy, doggy, fish, monkey, cat, duck, juice, water, cup, cheese, candy, cookie, sucker, woody, buzz, jessie, shoes, hot, cold, up, yuck, wow, hi, hello, please, thank you, no, yes, more, stuck, blankie, paci, ball, go, ready, truck, tractor, bus, boat, choochoo, Jesus, purple, yellow
~she helps me at work take care of the babies and i know one day she will be a GREAT big sister!
~she loves to pretend to cook (thats why for her birthday we are getting her a kitchen and stuff to go with it)
~she picks up almost anything and uses it as a phone (magnet, door stop, play phone, etc.)
~we are working on counting and colors
now that we have internet and are establishing a routine again i promise to be better at this...it is like my journal to share and i want to have this to look back on when i am older and for my children to read one day!
Hey I didn't know you guys came up to Washington! Sorry we didn't get to see you. It looks like things are going very well for you. I am so glad. I hope it continues to go well. Congrats to Josh for school, you for work, and Adey for talking!