Saturday, April 16, 2011

what a blessing?!

so i was wrong...Josh is 1 of 12 to get into field school for the summer.  he leaves june 6 and will be gone for 10 days at a time and come home for 4.  he will have no contact (no phone, no internet, no cable, no nothing) and be camping in the great basin with the bears and snakes and birds and other wild life...scared a little but mostly excited for him.  we are gonna write in journals for each other and exchange and read them while he is gone and write more....joshs idea. i thought it was cute!  i am excited for this opportunity for him and the blessings/experiences that will come!

1 comment:

  1. You are a STRONG WOMAN! Ty just left for 2 days and I almost went crazy! Though I think if I just had 1 child I could have handled it better! lol! Just keep reminding yourself it will totally be worth it in the end!!!! :D
