Saturday, April 30, 2011

Merry Christmas??

Today we woke up to a few inches of snow...its crazy!  I thought for sure if would time for spring but I guess not quite yet.  Adey loves the snow she had a great day playing in it.  Oskar is learning to like the snow...sometimes he gets jumpy and happy in it and other times he is like lets see how quickly i can do my business and get!  it is cute.  anyway, we are so looking for the sunny weather and the time when we can have picnics and go for hikes and play at the park and walk along the river and just spend our weekends outside!

Happy Birthday Josh!

On April 29, 2011 Josh turned 24...he got a couple TV shows on DVD, a hat stand from Ikea, a video game, a build a bear named loves to take with him to field school, an E-Reader and books from my parents, his family took him to lunch at the Red Iguana and to buy most of what he needs for field school, and the bestest gift he received was Adelynn to says "love you" was quite cute!  When Adey and I got home from playing at daycare, we took Josh on a surprise dinner to the Cheesecake factory.  They sang to him there and brought him a scoop of ice cream with whip cream and sprinkles and chocolate syrup.  He shared with Adey and she was quite excited!  In all it was a good day and we had a great time Celebrating Josh's birthday!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter

Last night Adey fell asleep before she got to put her empty eggs out by the TV for the Easter bunny to come find, fill, and hide but he still found them and did his job.  She loved her presents from the Bunny: Rapunzel barbie, 2 coloring books, bubbles, 2 ABC books, Zhu Zhu puppy and a bed and blankie and hula outfit for it, a few suckers, chap stick and in the eggs was some chocolate and money for her piggy bank.  She took her time finding and opening the was cute!  Josh got Star Wars 1, candle, ritter sport, and pop rocks.  I got the movie baby mama.  For breakfast we had crepes and guava juice and it was yummy.  Adey played with her toys for a little bit and colored with mommy and we made an Easter bunny to send to Nonni to put on her fridge.  We are going to dye Easter eggs and make sugar cookies and ice/decorate the cookies later on tonight for FHE.  We have church from 1 to all in all it is a beautiful, sunny Easter Sunday to enjoy and spend with my amazing husband, precious princess, and handsome puppy!  Happy Easter to all

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Easter Eve

Adey had her first Easter egg hunt was inside Aunt Malinda's and Uncle Evan's house because it was rainy outside.  Adey seemed to enjoy it but didn't really know what was going on until she opened an egg and found candy.  She hunted with her cousins: wesley, ella, corban, marcus, and daniel.  This was on the day before Easter.  Then we all had a yummy dinner: ham, eggs, potatoes, green bean casserole, rolls, marshmallow yams, cooked carrots, brownies, angel food cake, and i think that was it.  it was all good food!  We had a good time spending the afternoon together and chatting while the kids played and got along really well!  One funny story from the day was Adey went outside and started walking down the sidewalk and then wesley followed and they were just laughing while Aunt clarissa walked after them to get them to come back.  ella was saying no no no and then she saw how much fun they were having and then followed after was quite cute!  it was all and all a fun day...just wish great grandma and great grandpa were feeling well enough to join us and that aunt julia wasn't at year will be a blast cause they will all get to be there!

What has happened this past week:

We went to Santaquin today...first time since we moved.  We sure love living in a city that has more then one stop light...which means we are actually loving Utah and could stay here for a while if Josh's schooling and career allow for it.  We have talked about a few citys neighboring Midvale (where we live now) as for buying a house in...and been mentally pricing them.  That is all in the future and who really knows what and were Josh and our little family will be after next May.  That is when Josh's anticipated graduation date is getting close and we are getting excited!  He may have 1 or 2 classes to take after he walks but that is not a big deal...they may be offered online so he can do them on his own time or go to campus just part time...we will see when the time nears.  He is still loving his field and super excited about his field school this summer.  Me and Adey are so proud of him and his accomplishments...this will be his 3rd field school and he has earned 2 academic certificates so far.  He has a tongue at learning Navajo and is pretty good at it.  He translated Adey's favorite book for his final project in Navajo 2....kind of crazy that his language course is half over 2 out of 4....I am going to bind the book and we will give it to Adey either for her birthday or at christmas.  As for me and Adey...we are having fun being together everyday again...i love that little princess more then words can describe.  we play outside together, blow bubbles, color, take care of the other children, play babydolls, dress barbie, read books, take showers, watch tangled all the time, she loves to help cook.  I am still working on my hairbows, teaching myself how to sew a fall table runner (next will be a christmas tree skirt and an easter table runner), shopping, balancing life, and enjoying every moment that comes!

 Adey's recent accomplishments/interests are:
*learned and can say the following colors: blue, yellow, purple, and pink
*new words this week: wesley (her cousin), book, car, boot, bubbles, londyn (friend at school), milk, pig, horse, money, kitty, help, Danny, Adey
*she loves doing yoga with daddy
*will play the dancing game or kinnectimals for xbox 360 kinnect
*movies still: toy story, tangled
*talking to her baby and making sure she is fed
*sitting in her babydoll high chair and wanting me to "feed" her
*tea parties and making the pretend pizza
*walking her pretend puppy and real dog oskar
*she is so good at sharing and being soft with her friends and family
*wrestling with daddy
*kind of picky at trying foods...she puts her tongue and decides if she wants to try it\
*sliding down the slide
*playing in the sand

we are working on with Adey:
*being soft with oskar
*being independent
*making good choices
*not freaking out when mommy leaves
*pouring her own drinks
*drinking from a cup
*trying new food

Saturday, April 16, 2011

what a blessing?!

so i was wrong...Josh is 1 of 12 to get into field school for the summer.  he leaves june 6 and will be gone for 10 days at a time and come home for 4.  he will have no contact (no phone, no internet, no cable, no nothing) and be camping in the great basin with the bears and snakes and birds and other wild life...scared a little but mostly excited for him.  we are gonna write in journals for each other and exchange and read them while he is gone and write more....joshs idea. i thought it was cute!  i am excited for this opportunity for him and the blessings/experiences that will come!

Friday, April 8, 2011

wow it has been a long time!

Lets see how to sum up what has happened between December and now?  way too much so I will just list key points and work on posting pics when I can:

~experience our first Utah winter...Adey loves the snow...Oskar on the other hand is not a fan
~moved from Santaquin to Midvale to be closer to Josh's school and I was offered a better job
~I am a director of a daycare (but I mostly get paid to play with Adey all day so I feel like a stay at work mommy)
~my dad came to see us for a day and a half on his way to Nevada
~visited Washington state during Josh's spring break (Seattle Aquarium, Pike place market, saw some old friends, visited my old job that seems to not be doing so hott...and of course Leandra)
~while in Washington Josh visited his old school: SPSCC and went rock hounding with a few old friends
~Leandra drove back with us and visited for a few days (being sick :( but it was fun to have her)
~did some decorating
~JOSH GOT ACCEPTED TO THE U OF U FIELD SCHOOL (we are very proud of him)

Some of Adey's accomplishments:
~her first 2 word sentence: mommy's shoes
~loves taking care of her babies and chasing oskar around
~she has to pick out her clothes (with choices of course)
~still takes 2 hours naps every day
~favorite movies: all 3 toy stories and tangled
~loves to color and paint and playdough
~pulls her little doggy on a string around everywhere
~sit for a long time reading books
~painting her toes and daddy's
~deciding what she is going to eat (with choices)
~can say: mommy, dada, mama, nonni, grampy, nana, papa, ella, adey, puppy, doggy, fish, monkey, cat, duck, juice, water, cup, cheese, candy, cookie, sucker, woody, buzz, jessie, shoes, hot, cold, up, yuck, wow, hi, hello, please, thank you, no, yes, more, stuck, blankie, paci, ball, go, ready, truck, tractor, bus, boat, choochoo, Jesus, purple, yellow
~she helps me at work take care of the babies and i know one day she will be a GREAT big sister!
~she loves to pretend to cook (thats why for her birthday we are getting her a kitchen and stuff to go with it)
~she picks up almost anything and uses it as a phone (magnet, door stop, play phone, etc.)
~we are working on counting and colors

now that we have internet and are establishing a routine again i promise to be better at is like my journal to share and i want to have this to look back on when i am older and for my children to read one day!