Sunday, January 10, 2010

adventure of peas...

Adelynn is back in the groove of things...she now rolls over from belly to back like a pro.  I guess before when she did it around 4 1/2 months she just need a break.  I am so proud of her and how quick she is to learn.  She is very ticklished now on her is cute.  She is so interested in Oskar and watches him play or run around.  She got to try peas earlier this week that I made for her (yes we are going to make our own baby is cheaper and actually doesn't take that long to make).  At first she liked them but after about 3 to 4 bites she decided this isn't all that great.  The next night I mixed some peas with her rice cereal because I know she likes that but that didn't make a difference.  here are a few pictures of that moment...

Josh is back into school.  He seems very glad to be back.  He was starting to get bored around the house...especially with the rain we have been having he hasn't been able to get out much!  He only has this quarter and next and then he will have his associates and 3 academic certificates.  I am so proud of him and how much time he has put into his work. He almost has a 3.5...if he works hard he should be able to pull it off by graduation.

As for Oskar and I nothing new.  Just trying to get back into going for our walks and me doing aerobics.  We are taking each day and making the most of the time we have together....

here is just a random picture from earlier this week....look at her cheeks!  wow and she has really long eye lashes like her mommy.  i love seeing her new features that she gets from me or josh!

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