Saturday, January 23, 2010

6 months and growing...

Josh and I went and saw Avatar this week while our friend Leandra offered babysit for free...but I made her some bows which I hoped she liked.  It was a fantastic i would recommend for others to see!  It is nice to get out every once in a while but we did miss our little princess and of course Oskar.

This week she has tried carrots which she loved...not plain but with rice cereal mixed in.  She loves green beans and squash but not a fan of sweet potatoes.  Our baby girl is getting so big.  her 6th month appointment was this past week and she is 17.3 pounds and 27 inches long.  I seriously thought she was heavier.  Doc says she looks great and healthy.  I learned that it is good her teeth are sharp because teeth that are not means they are dull and it is harder on them for teething because they are in more pain.  Also a lot of things go in baby's mouth and are chewed because their gums weird is that?!  I tried to take some pictures of her 6th month pictures we had done at JC Pennies...but it didn't work out.  i will have to try and scan them.  She sits up in the bath tub like a big girl.  She loves to play with her red boat that someone got her for Christmas.

Josh has applied to BYU...we are awaiting the response back.  He was accepted to Utah Valley University.  I think he still has to finish his application for University of Utah meaning he needs his transcripts to be accepted.  It is all coming together.  He also has applied for scholarships...keep your fingers crossed!  Thanks for you prayers.  Our taxes are almost finished.  as soon as he selects a school and our taxes are done he will begin applying for financial aid of which I hope we qualify for grants in Utah like we have in Washington.  If not then we will take out loans...not a big deal.  Grants are just nice because we don't have to pay them back.  My two applications are filled out as well as my resume and my cover letter.  Now I just have to wait for my 3 letters of recommendations and I will mail my information probably in May.  If you know me...I have to plan ahead and not procrastinate.

Oskar decided to shred an old pillow we gave him...he was half out both sides.  quite funny!

here are a few more...many many more pics of Adelynn.  what happened to Josh and I?!

the next few are her and her adventure with carrots.  not so sure what she thinks of them...what would you say?

in the next two shows Adelynn's new obsession...her feet.  she loves to clap them together, eat them, or just grab them and roll side to side

she loves to stick out her tongue now and spit out or blow raspberries

1 comment:

  1. She is SOO adorable! Can you believe how fast they GROW!?!?!?!
