Sunday, January 31, 2010

Already the end of the month...

Adelynn has decided that when she is mad she will make a huffing noise with her nose and scrunch up her face.  it is cute but hard to catch on camera.  Hm...she painted again this week.  She decorated her heart person which her teacher will cut out.  Her teacher has been taking pictures at day care and making a book for the parents...when they either move or leave the room.  She is also making an art book for the kids.  I love how her teachers do art  with the kids.  I think it is never too young to start!  I can't wait to get Adelynn's books.  I know it will be cute!

We went to our cousins Kessa's birthday party this week.  It was quite fun: presents, cake and ice cream, yummy hawaiian hay stay stacks for dinner, and basketball at the church.  It made me want to get a basketball and go to the church building every once in a while to just play around...especially when Adelynn is older.  At the party Adelynn was really interested in the balloons.  I guess we will have to make sure to have some at her party...I still can't believe she is already over 6 months.  I have loved being a mommy and watching her grow and learn.  We love to spend all our time together as a family.  We are still adjusting but with time it has gotten better and we love our little family and are excited to watch us a grow up together.

Josh has submitted all of his stuff for we wait the process.  He really wants to go to BYU...then he could even apply for the grad program and we would stay there for another 2 years.  He has been researching the programs more and talking with the deans at each school and his counselor now...keep your fingers crossed for us!  He wants to do an internship after he graduates with his we hope he can find one in that area.  I would not see why he wouldn't be able to.

Last Sunday I watched a Goofy Movie while Adelynn and I played and she liked the cover.  Then we took a much needed nap together.  It was fun and I enjoyed snuggling with my princess.

the rest are from one night when we helped Josh study for a test.  Adelynn got to hold a rock and look at it and feel the texture.  She wasn't quite sure what it was...

Saturday, January 23, 2010

6 months and growing...

Josh and I went and saw Avatar this week while our friend Leandra offered babysit for free...but I made her some bows which I hoped she liked.  It was a fantastic i would recommend for others to see!  It is nice to get out every once in a while but we did miss our little princess and of course Oskar.

This week she has tried carrots which she loved...not plain but with rice cereal mixed in.  She loves green beans and squash but not a fan of sweet potatoes.  Our baby girl is getting so big.  her 6th month appointment was this past week and she is 17.3 pounds and 27 inches long.  I seriously thought she was heavier.  Doc says she looks great and healthy.  I learned that it is good her teeth are sharp because teeth that are not means they are dull and it is harder on them for teething because they are in more pain.  Also a lot of things go in baby's mouth and are chewed because their gums weird is that?!  I tried to take some pictures of her 6th month pictures we had done at JC Pennies...but it didn't work out.  i will have to try and scan them.  She sits up in the bath tub like a big girl.  She loves to play with her red boat that someone got her for Christmas.

Josh has applied to BYU...we are awaiting the response back.  He was accepted to Utah Valley University.  I think he still has to finish his application for University of Utah meaning he needs his transcripts to be accepted.  It is all coming together.  He also has applied for scholarships...keep your fingers crossed!  Thanks for you prayers.  Our taxes are almost finished.  as soon as he selects a school and our taxes are done he will begin applying for financial aid of which I hope we qualify for grants in Utah like we have in Washington.  If not then we will take out loans...not a big deal.  Grants are just nice because we don't have to pay them back.  My two applications are filled out as well as my resume and my cover letter.  Now I just have to wait for my 3 letters of recommendations and I will mail my information probably in May.  If you know me...I have to plan ahead and not procrastinate.

Oskar decided to shred an old pillow we gave him...he was half out both sides.  quite funny!

here are a few more...many many more pics of Adelynn.  what happened to Josh and I?!

the next few are her and her adventure with carrots.  not so sure what she thinks of them...what would you say?

in the next two shows Adelynn's new obsession...her feet.  she loves to clap them together, eat them, or just grab them and roll side to side

she loves to stick out her tongue now and spit out or blow raspberries

Sunday, January 17, 2010

moving and potatoes...

Adey has tried potatoes...not her favorite.  but she was a sport and ate a few bites.  i have not given up and will try again for a third time probably later on this week.

She does like peas now.  i just have to mix half peas and half rice cereal.  she doesn't like baby oatmeal...she tried it for the first time last night but i will try again.  she continues to love her mum mums (rice cereal type thing that dissolves in her mouth).  she has also discovered gerber puffs...she likes the strawberry banana and sweet potato so far.  they are like the mum mums and dissolve.  i give them to her as a snack when i can not nurse her or in between feedings when it is not time to eat a meal.  she is getting so big.  we can hardly believe  that this friday she will already be 6 months...half a year old!  time is flying by but we love her each moment we spend with her.  she continues to love to look at books.  she can now sit up on her own with a few topples here and there.  still won't roll over from her back to her tummy.  she puts her feet in her mouth and bites on them.  she sleeps through the night (i think once we started her on solids she started sleeping through the night).  everything goes in her mouth.  she has a small white dot on her top gums where one of her middle teeth are trying to come through.  her hair is growing pretty fast now.  i am too excited to try pig tails on her soon when i get the pony tail holders that i want for her from Wal mart.  she is tickleshed on her thights and her arm pits and her ribs and the bottom of her feet.  we love getting her to laugh.  josh says when she gets to school the teacher is going to say her name quiet and normal and she is going to correct her because he always yells her name at her in a funny voice and she always always smiles.  it is quite cute!  she has long eye lashes now like mommy and beautiful eyes that you could just stair at.  she is always happy and gosh we love her too pieces!

josh is done with 2 weeks of school now.  things are almost all turned in for the school to give us back our money for the last 3-5 quarters of paying out of state tution.  that will hopefully help cover the spring quarter and put some money in our pocket.  he likes his classes and can now measure human bones and tell you how tall some one was from measuring a bone or two.  he loves it and i know he will excel when he is done with school.  i am glad he has found his passion!

so i think the word is now out!  WE ARE MOVING TO August.  Josh has applied to schools and already has gotten accepted to one...he still needs to turn in 2 other applications.  this week he is going to work on scholarships.  I have already researched some job opportunities...and gotten 2 applications of which i will fill out this week.  i have 3 letters of recommendations being written for me.  I really want to work for head start so i can have my summers off and still get paid and have long holiday breaks.  josh will probably work on his school campus again.  it pays enough and it is easiest for him.  plus he is always able to work on his home work which helps him stay ahead.  We will be living with his sister Malinda and her husband Evan and their two kids.  we will live in the basement of their new house (their parents 3 year old house that they are buying from them while their parents move into their new house with Josh's sister Clarissa and Alan and their three boys and Josh's mom's parents...full house).  my parents will be about 10 hours away so easier to travel and only a one hour time difference.  we will be close to a major airport so ticket won't be bad.  we will pay a cheap rent to malinda and evan and help out with food and watch their kids for them when needed and vice versa.  it will be nice to be closer to family.  we have cousins here and we are grateful to have gotten close to them...but we know we won't live her forever.  we want to live in st. george utah which will be about 4 hours south from where we will live the next 18 months (starting in august) for josh to finish school.  please pray that things will continue to work out for us as we prepare this move.

for now...enjoy the rest of the pictures from this week!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

adventure of peas...

Adelynn is back in the groove of things...she now rolls over from belly to back like a pro.  I guess before when she did it around 4 1/2 months she just need a break.  I am so proud of her and how quick she is to learn.  She is very ticklished now on her is cute.  She is so interested in Oskar and watches him play or run around.  She got to try peas earlier this week that I made for her (yes we are going to make our own baby is cheaper and actually doesn't take that long to make).  At first she liked them but after about 3 to 4 bites she decided this isn't all that great.  The next night I mixed some peas with her rice cereal because I know she likes that but that didn't make a difference.  here are a few pictures of that moment...

Josh is back into school.  He seems very glad to be back.  He was starting to get bored around the house...especially with the rain we have been having he hasn't been able to get out much!  He only has this quarter and next and then he will have his associates and 3 academic certificates.  I am so proud of him and how much time he has put into his work. He almost has a 3.5...if he works hard he should be able to pull it off by graduation.

As for Oskar and I nothing new.  Just trying to get back into going for our walks and me doing aerobics.  We are taking each day and making the most of the time we have together....

here is just a random picture from earlier this week....look at her cheeks!  wow and she has really long eye lashes like her mommy.  i love seeing her new features that she gets from me or josh!