for babies when one big decision happens it is followed by many other things! so first...Friday we decided to make the transition of putting Adelynn in her crib for naps but she did so good that day that we tried it at night. She didn't sleep through the whole night but she sure did go down so easily and slept pretty good! That means no more fights at was hard rocking her or trying to put her to sleep. She would fight us and it was hard...but now she goes right to sleep. maybe she was tried of being squished in the bassinet but I thought she wasn't ready and I wouldn't be able to hear her if she woke up. I was wrong. But she loves sleeping in her Nonnie needs to finish her bedding! Next two big things...we decided yesterday morning that we were going to try and start Adelynn on rice cereal so...we did. We were in Wal-mart picking out what kind to get her to try and she was getting tired. So I swaddled her in her blanket and went to put her paci in her mouth to find she has an actual tooth on the bottom with the two canine specks....she now has a tooth! I can not believe it. It has broken and plain as day in view! sigh sigh...growing way too fast. Back to the rice cereal...she loved it. we tried her just on 1 tablespoon and she liked getting to play with her own spoon. We also decided that this would be a good transition to a new bath time routine...she was messy but the good thing she liked it. I am going to try and give her 2 tablespoons tonight. She wasn't gassy after eating nor fussy. We have such a great baby! I know she has had that awful cold which is gone and is now just a teething cough and runny nose, but now Adelynn doesn't arch her back anymore when we suction her nose or spray nasal spray in it. I think she is used to it and we talk her through now which helps tremendously! She plays a new game...she loves to look at the world upside down. It is so cute! I will have to take a picture of her doing this. Hm...we are also trying to keep from putting her in the bouncer to play. She loves to stand and bounce on her legs...they are quite strong. She is working on sitting up on her own...we put our legs around her in a V and put her in the middle of our V and she plays and loves it. She especially right now loves to play with teething rings...I would think they are too cold but not for this little girl! Oh....I forgot something cute she now does...(which everything she does is cute by mom and dad but...) she likes to chew on her tongue! I caught her doing this yesterday...i think mainly because of the teething and it is something new for her to play with. Hm...we are also still working on tummy time (this is not her favorite thing but we are helping her enjoy it) and rolling over. She still rolls side to side but not over. Like when she gets her diaper changed she loves to play with her right foot and roll side to side. She doesn't really play with her left food which is odd. She continue's to love to look at books...she actually ripped one this week but it is all part of the experience and the book is still readable she just tore a page about 1/4 of the way up. We read in the car to church, the grocery store, work, at home before bed, etc....we hope she will develop a love for books!
Now with me and Josh...we had a good Thanksgiving. I didn't take any pictures that night but we went to our neighbors and ate some yummy food. Josh and I brought a salad, zucchini bread, pueblo bread, pumpkin pie, and pumpkin soup. It was a nice evening of talking, eating, and watching TV. Josh has 1 more week left of school (which is going to be long and hard) and 2 weeks left of work. Then he will get a break and go back in January. We have decorated some for Christmas but still need to put of the tree. We did some after Thanksgiving shopping but didn't get up that early. We walked over to the mall since we live so close and Target and Borders. It was a nice morning and we found some good deals. I came home and wrapped presents because that is something I love to do! Work is going well for me. I continue to be thankful each day that I can take Adelynn to work with me since I have to work to help Josh get through school. I can check up on her whenever I want and play with her and feed her and just snuggle my little love! It is such a I try to never forget! I even get sad if Adelynn is sleeping so I pick her up and rock her just because I want to be with her! I asked off for a few days before Christmas so we could have some family time since we are not going any where for the holidays (it was too crazy last year and I don't want to brace it again this year especially with a baby...not for me). We will continue to set some new traditions for the holidays which is always fun! I will promise to take lots of pictures for family and friends to see since we can not be with them...but for now enjoy the most recent pics...

trying to play on computer
sick baby
Oskar sleeping with Adelynn trying to make her feel better
Oskar licking the whip cream beater
Adelynn's crayon bag I made at a church event...thanks mom for the cute fabric
tummy time
working on lifting head during tummy time
not a good picture...but sad mommy...i actually did get teary eyed!
first time playing with a spoon...what a cute high chair...thanks Nonnie and Grampy
first taste of rice cereal
Yum...look at it all over my face!
where is more...happy but not satisfied