Saturday, October 13, 2012

very productive day...

amongst playing with the girls today and doing puzzles and bath time and blocks and much much more...Adelynn and I managed to accomplish these 4 items of which 3 were made in our vitamix:

Vitamix Apple/orange juice...turned out so yummy

Vitamix tomato pasta sauce (all fresh products) Vitamix applesauce super yummy and cheaper/healtheir than the stores

and my famous chocolate/peanut butter chip cookies...they get better and better every time!

Ok so the juice contains apple, orange, water, lemon juice, carrot, ice....and thats it.
The tomato sauce contains tomato, paste, carrot, onion, garlic, and dried herbs
The applesauce is cinnamon, apples, and water

Well the cookies aren't that healthy but cheaper then the stores and yummier and fresher...i am just amazing when it comes to cookies if i do say so myself.

It really scares me now a days everything we put into our bodies.  Does everyone or anyone stop and think about all the extra stuff companies add to their products?  what is actually healthy and not?  is it really cheaper to buy the already made stuff?  in my opinion i love me some fresh homemade products and i am grateful for the decision my hubs and i have made to better our nutrition for us and our girls.  i am excited for the other things i explore with and come up with.  I mean we already make our own pizza sauce, breads, pizza dough, donuts (for breakfast today Adey and I made donut muffins and turned out super yummy), cream of anything, soups, almond milk, smoothies, and much more....we have a dehydrator and intend to experiment more with that (we have dried kiwi so far...that was delicious).  Just for the record by this time next year I intend to learn how to make Paisley's baby food, jam, nutella, peanut butter, fruit snacks/leather, more juices, laundry detergent, cleaning products, bread by myself and many different kinds (right now Josh usually makes it), black bean burgers, ice cream, milk shakes, cooking/cleaning our own beans, freezing more of fresh fruits/veggies (this website will come in handy i hope: ) canning, bubbles, better my almond milk, and much much more.  For us...meaning my is cheaper and healthier and thats the kind of life we have chosen to live.

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