Saturday, January 21, 2012

the big day....CHRISTMAS

We woke up to our snow in Utah....and just for the record we still have had very little snow and warmer weather which could be frightening for this state next year water supply wise but depending on Josh's career...we have no idea where we will be so this may affect us and its scary....but on a happier note we had a great Christmas together as a family at our quiet little home....later that day we drove down to Josh's families house in Mapleton and enjoyed a quiet evening and yummy dinner.

look what santa brought me mommy....with a big grin on her face

ABC game, littlest pets shops...he sure knows her

baby doll clothes...she went and got her babies to change them!

Oskar got a raw hide and is in LOVE.....

the loot from Santa....

After the Santa gifts then we let Adey pass out the gifts under the tree...each person had a special wrapping paper so it was easier to sort the gifts out.  she had fun with this....

passing out presents...big helper!


more barbies....

movies, tv shows, socks, kitchen gadgets....

socks, slippers, foot massager, ipod touch....

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