Sunday, September 12, 2010


Adelynn loves to climb up on to everything now...especially our love seat or little kid chairs.  she did climb onto her cousins train table which was funny.  when we are doing something in the closet, adelynn has a tendency to come clothes the doors behind us and lock us in them.  she loves to pick a color of nail polish and bring it to me or josh and sit down and put her feet up in the air for us to paint them.  she continues to love to look at books and color with markers.  she is working on using her silverware to eat.  i can say she will actually eat macaroni and cheese....lately she hasn't really cared for it but now she does.  she loves deli meat and pears and peaches.  veggies we are still working on.  her favorite snacks are drinkable yogurts, pop corn, fruit snacks, and pop sicles.  we do watch her sugar intake as diabetes runs in josh's family.  she drinks mostly soy milk and herbal cold tea and v8 splash.  she can almost always be found carrying her blanket around with...she is attached!  she can point to someones nose if you ask her so now we are working on finding eyes, then we will move on to mouth and ears.  she is turning into such a smart little girl!  she is still adjusting to mommy and daddy being gone but josh comes home usually after classes so monday and wednesdays are short days and no class on friday.  we love having her nana watch her during the day with the help of her aunt malinda.  she is adapting to her cousins and loves her uncle evan.  she loves to be outside and pushing her stroller or playing in the dirt.  she can now also blow bubbles from the wand.  she loves to feed her baby doll and wrestle with oskar and his blanket.  she is really into dancing and we have a trial class in a few weeks and another place to look at that i want to have her take classes at when is closer to 2 1/2....but it is so popular her that i want to price around and see what is best.  other then all this...she is such a good baby and adjusting to our new life well.  we are so very proud of her!

josh has been in school for 3 weeks now and still loves it...not the drive as much but the school yes.  we are trying to see if he can still graduate next December...should be able to if we play our cards right.  as of right now we are managing with out him working and he is applying for a research program that he can get 1400 a semester which would be nice for gas and savings.  keep your fingers crossed for him...he could also use it for his thesis further down the line when he goes to grad school.  he has been keeping in touch with 3 particular companies that are interested in when he is closer towards graduation so that is a plus.  we have also been talking about our house plans and researching the town of springville which is about 20 miles closer to his school.  but we are pretty sure he is gonna work for a while and try and get his future company to pay for his additional schooling some or all.  he loves staying home on friday with gives them great bonding time.  josh and evan (his brother in law) are building up quite the friendship again.  it has been a while since they have been close.

as for me...i am just working as a preschool teacher with 6 spanish kids and 2 english kids which is alright....(have applied to be a child development specialist some where else which i should find out about this week....but we will see).  this job i have now is not permanent but if i need to work after josh is done with school and we are in our new house hopefully in springville i will find something up there.  this place is so close to my house which is a plus and my hours are great and i get long breaks and holidays off and the pay is good.  so just temperarily...i really miss my job at OELC...that was by far my favorite place to work...probably because of the friends i made.  at this job everyone speaks spanish so i am kind of an outcast?!  anyway...i have been doing some crafts lately when i have time and adelynn is sleeping.  when she is awake...josh and i make it more family time.  we love being together with each other and our little family.  i have been working on my cooking lately and i am sure glad about that!  tonight is chili and fry bread and i can't wait! are some pics from august:

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you're enjoying Utah! Little Miss Adelynn is absolutely adorable! She's so big!
    I'm sure you wish Josh could get done with school ASAP, that's how I feel about Brett and school!
