on Paisley's one month she was getting of of the NBICU and was still like a preemie/newborn so I had nothing to really report...but on August 29 our little girl turned 2 months but these were taken like 2 weeks after the fact...but here is where she is at:
*does not look like a "little" baby anymore even though every where we go when they find out how old she is they are like wow she is so small...but not to me
*she is starting to make faces and even smile and coo and a few small giggles
*Paisley loves to grab at hair while she is nursing
*she takes about 3 to 4 pumped bottles of about 2 to 2.5 ounces and nurses about 4 to 6 times a day...can't ya tell by her face that she is a good eater!
*she got 3 pokes and 1 oral shot at her last check up
*she weighed 10 lbs 10 ounces (10 %) and was 21 inches long (0%) and her head was in the 23% but i can't remember how big but i have noticed my girls have big heads...
*the doc did say she is behind a little but it is expected until she is about 2...so she has plenty of time to catch up and if she doesn't then that just means more one on one work with her
*she loves to be danced with and read too
*she sleeps in her bouncy seat because she always spits up and so this is the most comfortable for her
*she did get thrush but is slowly getting over it...fun times
*she takes a multi vitamin daily if i remember to give it to her
*she only wakes up at night to eat and then goes right back to bed (she normally falls asleep for bedtime around 7 pm and wakes up around 730 am)...but she does take many naps during the day. she is awake for about 4 hours a day total...
*tummy time isn't her favorite but she does go longer then Adey did...her doc said though we have to do it everyday because her neck muscles aren't strong enough for her age
*for the most part we have her cry cues down
*she is a gassy baby as she is premature and still working things out (gripe water is our BF...for Adey it was just gas drops)
*she is a GREAT baby and a GREAT final addition to our perfect little family!