Sunday, December 18, 2011

Fullmer family kids party

On Saturday December 17, we had the kids Christmas party on Josh's family side.  It was a lot of fun.  We had yummy snacks (of which i really liked the sausage, cream cheese, crescent rolls i made).  We watched some of polar express and opened presents and made ginger bread house.  it was a nice get together!

Adey loved this snowman because it sang frosty which she now loves thanks to Nonni

Grammy waiting on her cookies to finish (they tasted yummy)

Nonni's visit

My mom came to stay with us for 2 weeks btwn. Thanksgiving and Christmas.  We had a wonderful time with her and are grateful for her visit.  We celebrated St. Nicholas Day, went to a ballet, celebrated mom's birthday, had a magill family christmas, talked to grampy, shopped, josh and i went on a date, saw the lights on Temple square, made graham cracker houses, and made a purple waldwrof cake.  Here are a few pics from Nonni's vacation: