Tuesday, November 15, 2011


we went to the zoo and i dropped my camera and it is busted....hope i am getting a new one for christmas.  we shall see.  But anyway let me at least catch up since Halloween...Adey had a great time trick or treating for Halloween and still never wore her Jesse costume but talks about it all the time and how Jesse is a girl.  At least she has it for dress up.  She continues to amaze us each day and is now learning the letters of the alphabet.  She loves to paint and do art projects any time we let her.  Her speech is getting so good and most people can understand her now.  She knows so many animals and likes to "read" the 4 brown bear book series and the baby david book series.  She loves LOVES to read books...i have to remember to continue to read books with her every night so she will continue this love!  We had snow a few days ago and we played in it as a family and it was so hard to get Adey to come back in side but oskar had no problem until josh dipped him in warm water to get the snow balls out of his fur.  Josh has an interview tomorrow and we may soon be a 2 income family again and are super excited about that and Josh is looking forward to working with a friend...they pay is good, hours are so so...but we are buying a 2nd car just before he starts...we have it narrowed down to 3 as of right now...honda CRV, nissian rogue, and mitsubishi outlander...all in our price and drove them and all 3 have pros and cons...so we shall see.  I am selling my bows again and trying to get Body by Vi 90 day challenge to take off in Utah.  It is a wonderful product and super healthy and numerous shake options...some days i don't do as well but i am trying.  I haven't really signed anyone up but i know it takes time!  Hm...i guess for now this is the update and will hopefully get a new camera soon so i can post some pics of my beautiful fam!  i love them and treasure all the memories we have as we grown and learn TOGETHER!