Sunday, October 30, 2011

Boo @ the zoo

I have always wanted to go to Boo at the zoo for a long time and that it would be this super cool event...well we finally got to go yesterday and it was just alright.  If i didn't have a zoo pass and got in for free we probably would not have paid to was super busy which was expected but they passed out candy every where which was cool but that is all it really was.  Once again though Adey did not want to wear her Jesse costume...she wanted to be Ute cheerleader which was fine because there was a game last night that we were supposed to go to but when Josh went to get tickets the machine was not working and he forgot to go back and pick up his tickets...oh well.  But the Utes did win which is always good news!  Here are a few pics of our adventure before i dropped the camera and it stopped working (yes you read that right...hint hint parents a great christmas present idea ya know so i can still capture all the wonderful pics of Adey and keep blogging but i do intend to replace my little camera way before Christmas)

waiting in line for Candy

I thought these turkeys looked cool

yummy hamburger

working on smiling for the camera...she is getting better

Daddy rescuing us with hot was cold

this guy was cool and we loved how long his tail was

josh loved this guy and he was a ute fan too if you notice the sticker

adey is a juvenile...and then the camera broke...very sour subject!

Trunk or Treat

On Friday we had trunk or treat at our church and soup to follow with a few carnival games (Adey didn't care much for the games or being there too long because the masks scared her) are a few pics i got of the night.  Oh ya when i went to Adey's homemade Jesse (from toy story) costume on....she would not wear it and wanted to be a fairy so we went and got her dress up clothes from her room and that is what she was for trunk or treat!

passing out candy...sorry it is dark

josh fixing the trunk...he was very proud of his dry ice effect which did look pretty cool

playing with the balloon while eating her pumpkin looking bread bowl...they were super cute!

Sunday, October 23, 2011


Today we went to a place called Cornbelly's for a few hours of Saturday family is located in Lehi and we do intend to go back next Halloween when Adey is a little older but we did have fun today (and we were surprised that the price wasn't too bad...BUT we will have to pay for Adey next year).  They had pig races, "train" aka tractor rides, cow rides, princess play land, big rubber things to jump on, pumpkin volleyball, fun houses, lots of jungle gym/slide like toys, food, paint ball, corn mazes, and so SO SO SO MUCH MORE! We only stayed for like 2 1/2 hours but will go back next year and do more...

kids mini hay maze...Adey liked jumping on the hay

one of the MANY little park like features they had

spider web to crawl in...Adey wasn't too sure what to think

the a few of the different carved pumpkins they had on display

waiting for the pig was sunny and quite warm!

pig was interesting

my legs were too short so she rode with....

daddy and had way more fun!

"Adey"rella waiting on her pumpkin carriage

the horse of the carriage in princess playland

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Oskar smells

We have gotten in a good routine of Oskar getting a bath every 2 weeks and being brushed as often as possible (almost everyday...we know we are good owners even though he doesn't care for it).  We have also decided no more haircuts for Oman because A. it's too much work and B. winter is coming and we want him to be he looks fatter and fluffy which we love!  Anyway, so we also have given Adey chores so she can learn early to help out around the house (lol) so they are feeding Oskar at least once a day (don't worry Josh or I feed him the other time if we don't remind her), helping Josh brush Oskar, and helping us give Oskar a bath when it is time...she loves taking care of Oskar and gets so excited to help!  Oskar just sucks it up and lets her help (as long as she isn't the one brushing his face).  Almost every night he even gets the royal treatment and when Adey feeds him dinner she pours it into his bowl and then takes a few at a time over to him and feeds it to about SPOILED OR MAYBE JUST LOVED?!  Anyway so to catch how much Adey loves her dog I finally took some pics of her helping with bath time today....enjoy!

getting wet...

the soap 
( i think Oskar is saying...."hey kid help me out...PLEASE!)

rubbing in the soap...

Adey loves to read books

I just love when Adey wants her daddy to read books to her...ESPECIALLY when she wanted to snuggle in her bed with her daddy and listen to a good book...he does a great job making the books fun and she laughs and it just melts my heart watching them together!

Painting the tub

i found this cool idea on my new favorite website called (if you have never heard of it you should check it out)...but it is huge bullentin board where you pin ideas, foods, decor, projects, etc. that you like and can refer back...haven't tried one thing on there that i  have not liked from smoothies to desserts to dinners to projects for the i found one where i put food coloring mixed in with shaving cream and Adey and I painted the bath tub...TALK ABOUT SO MUCH FUN (just need to buy red so i can make more colors next time)! i was surprised that i didn't think of the idea when i have my degree in working with is a must try if you have not and we will be doing this often for bath time fun!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Saturday at the zoo

We wanted to do something on Saturday October 15 so we decided to go spend a few hours at the zoo since we are members and it is basically free since we have gone so many times before.  Of course Adey wanted to see the elephants and giraffes and ride the train and the carousel.  It was fun and a relaxing day.  We ate asian food this time and shared a bowl of dipping dots.  After the zoo we went to Sugar house park to feed the ducks but little did we know we would also be feeding the geese, pigeons, ducks, and was crazy and tons and tons and TONS of bird!  we had quite a bit of bread and i am pretty sure we made quite a few birds happy.  We always love spending time together as a family!

Friday night pumpkin patch

On Friday night we went to Wheeler Farms pumpkin patch with some old friends and had a GREAT time...their was animals like pigs, sheep, cats, cows, horses, and much more; we rode on the hay ride/tractor which was alright but Adey had fun which is all that matters; we pet the horses which Adey loved and watched them eat; We did the corn maze which we were led through by a 2 year old which was quite interesting and she loved pointing out the play spiders and ghosts along the way and wanted me to hide and jump out at her; then she saw balloons and a family taking pictures and a nice little boy gave her one of the extra balloons and Adey was in heaven; then it ended by collecting a pumpkin.  Then we went home and ate pizza and played and watched Hocus Pocus and carved our pumpkins followed by dirt cups for dessert.  It was a fun night and Adey enjoyed playing with her new friend Koen. (p.s. I have pics from the actual farm on my phone just trying figure out how to get them off)

carving her pumpkin

Josh is cleaning pumpkin seeds so he can bake them...they turned out YUMMY

helping Adey

they sure made QUITE a mess but had a GREAT time

eating dirt cups

Kristin carving her pumpkin

Jon and Koen eating dirt cups

Monday, October 3, 2011

Making bird feeders

Tonight Adey and I made bird feeders...even though it made a mess (the neat freak i am about messes...i am trying to over come can always be cleaned up so why worry) was A LOT OF FUN...Adey of course would spread some peanut butter on her pine cone and then eat it off her spoon...repeat and!  When it came to the bird seed...that got all over the carpet but we had fun getting our vacuums and bumper "vacuum" into each other.  After the feeders were done Adey set them outside on our porch table and wanted the birds to come eat.  I had to tell her they have to learn they are here...we had a few birds this weekend which inspired the fun project but we shall see if they come back!

Sunday, October 2, 2011


So we took Adey to her first football game on October was Daddy's school's homecoming game against -Washington Huskies...we rode the train up so we wouldn't have to fight traffic coming home.  once we got to the stadium we went to the underground Pie (pizza) for lunch/dinner and it was quite tasty and not crowded like we thought it was going to be.  but as we left...we sure were glad to get there at the time we did.  then we walked over to the stadium and got our seats and watched a little pre-game stuff.  it was so nice to not be rushed and have plenty of time.

Now on to the game...lets just say when the opposing team scores the first field goal on a fumble in the first 9 secs. of the probably won't turn out too well.  going into half time the score was 10 to 7 washington...then we ended up leaving 8 and half minutes early because the Utes just gave up...a total of 4 fumbles/turnovers in the utes red the score should have been 28 to 24 Utes but ended up being 14 to 31 washington...sad homecoming game.  But at least Adey had so much fun...especially dancing with the band and watching/waiting for the canyon to shoot off when the Utes score a touch down.  it was also nice to be with our friends Brett and Mer at the game...Adey just adores them!

we do intend to go to probably 1 or 2 more games this year as a family as Adey did so well and had so much on to the pics.